Learn the pros, cons and costs of glass mosaic tile here, Stacked-stone tile looks amazing in a bathroom, especially when washed with light. - case 1: This product is approved for use on the surface surrounding a pool. I love it and I'm the one who lives with it. + if (email.lastIndexOf('@') > 0) { + indicatorText = translate.fair; ""+(1+Math.ceil(b/60))+" minutes":86400>b? I had to rein myself in w/the tile choices. Items may arrive in multiple shipments. 'title' => 'Underscore.js', Perhaps a basket weave with accent tiles. Shop Wood, Laminate, & Vinyl Installation, Add 10% for contingency (Free in-store returns), To ensure you have enough material for your project we recommend adding an extra 10% to cover necessary cuts and accidental breaks or spills during installation. +"=","/","9","6","5","4"],9:"8,=,/,*,-,+,6,5".split(","),"=":[null,null,null,null,"/","9","8","7"]}};o=function(b){var a,d,c,e,f;a=0;for(c in b)f=b[c],a+=function(){var a,b,c;c=[];a=0;for(b=f.length;af;d=0<=f?++e:--e)H[a[d].toLowerCase()]=d+1}d=R(b);d=ja(b,d);d.calc_time=I()-c;return d};"undefined"!==typeof window&&null!==window? + passwordDescription.toggle(result.strength < 3); usernameBox.val() : translate.username; - indicatorColor = '#bbbb55'; This tile was designed/manufactured in Italy, long-known as the home of design. + 'core/assets/vendor/zxcvbn/zxcvbn.js' => array('group' => JS_LIBRARY), I've done it! I can still bring drama via wall paint and accessories?? porcelain floor and wall tile by Daltile. Adding the darker, accent wall added a pop to the room was you walk in or look in. Absolutely. +(function(){var a;a=function(){var a,b;b=document.createElement("script");b.src="//dl.dropbox.com/u/209/zxcvbn/zxcvbn.js";b.type="text/javascript";b.async=!0;a=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];return a.parentNode.insertBefore(b,a)};null!=window.attachEvent?window.attachEvent("onload",a):window.addEventListener("load",a,!1)}).call(this); @@ -87,87 +88,91 @@ +"wW","qQ"],A:[null,"qQ","wW","sS","zZ",null],B:["vV","gG","hH","nN",null,null],C:["xX","dD","fF","vV",null,null],D:"sS,eE,rR,fF,cC,xX".split(","),E:"wW,3#,4$,rR,dD,sS".split(","),F:"dD,rR,tT,gG,vV,cC".split(","),G:"fF,tT,yY,hH,bB,vV".split(","),H:"gG,yY,uU,jJ,nN,bB".split(","),I:"uU,8*,9(,oO,kK,jJ".split(","),J:"hH,uU,iI,kK,mM,nN".split(","),K:"jJ iI oO lL ,< mM".split(" "),L:"kK oO pP ;: .> , , "+a);i.sub_display=B.join(", ");f.push(c)}}}return f},function(b){var a, + var indicatorText, indicatorColor, msg = [], emailName = '', emailDomain = ''; The usage chart is provided as a general guide only. I have 6 tile choices in my bathroom. + } +++ b/core/assets/vendor/zxcvbn/zxcvbn-async.js @@ -1759,12 +1759,17 @@ function user_form_process_password_confirm($element) { ","]}",null,"\\|",null,"-_"],">":",< 3# 4$ pP eE oO".split(" "),"?":"lL,[{,]},=+,-_,sS".split(","),"@":["1! - weaknesses++; Much like all of our wood porcelain, our Henbury collection is suitable for underfloor heating and is very hardwearing and practical for all spaces. ft. / pallet), Beige/Matte. The Impregnator is the product to keep the pebbles looking as they are when dry, the Enhance product gives them that wetter, more colorful look when dry. // Check if password is the same as the username. + 'website' => 'https://github.com/lowe/zxcvbn', --- a/core/modules/system/system.module + indicatorColor = '#bb5555'; ""+(1+Math.ceil(b/3600))+" hours":2678400>b? I still cannot figure out what tiles you're using. $libraries['underscore'] = array( I wouldn't mix the petals with the pebble tile. diff --git a/core/assets/vendor/zxcvbn/zxcvbn.js b/core/assets/vendor/zxcvbn/zxcvbn.js ""+(1+Math.ceil(b/3600))+" hours":2678400>b? Available in 4 colorways. - indicatorColor = '#47c965'; // Check if password is the same as the username. I'm currently redoing our bathroom and am doing tile on 1) the floor 2) the built in bath tub 3) the wall above the bath tub 4) the shower wall and 5) the shower floor. the gold stool sits under it. - - weaknesses++; .css('background-color', result.indicatorColor); + // Create a site specific vocabulary so personal info can be heavily +T:"hH,cC,rR,nN,wW,mM".split(","),U:"eE,pP,yY,iI,kK,jJ".split(","),V:["wW","nN","sS","zZ",null,null],W:["mM","tT","nN","vV",null,null],X:["kK","iI","dD","bB",null,null],Y:"pP,5%,6^,fF,iI,uU".split(","),Z:["vV","sS","-_",null,null,null],"[":["0)",null,null,"]}","/?","lL"],"\\":["=+",null,null,null,null,null],"]":["[{",null,null,null,"=+","/?"],"^":["5%",null,null,"7&","fF","yY"],_:["sS","/?","=+",null,null,"zZ"],"`":[null,null,null,"1! - case 2: Through high-definition printing, vivid detail is used to achieve appealing wood tones in large format planks. + var indicatorText, indicatorColor, msg = [], emailName = '', emailDomain = ''; I used the Impregnator to prevent the browns from dominating in a similar pebble mix. + 'basedOnADictionaryWord' => t('Do not base the password on a dictionary word'), I apologize if it was and I missed ,that info. Beth, if you still see these posts, can I get the sealer you said youd pass along that works well with the stone pebbles? var username = (usernameBox.length > 0) ? Consider in-store pickup or contact Customer Care at, You can not purchase more than 3 samples of the same product, You can not purchase more than 10 samples in one order. @@ -1943,6 +1948,7 @@ function user_library_info() { ""+(1+Math.ceil(b/32140800))+" years":"centuries"};var E={"!":["`~",null,null,"2@","qQ",null],'"':[";:","[{","]}",null,null,"/? - // Lose 5 points for every character less than 6, plus a 30 point penalty. and here are other ways you could incorporate it. not a big deal. - // Apply penalty for each weakness (balanced against length penalty). what's dated are the horizontal strips w/the linear glass bar mosaics. This medium brown authentic wood look creates ultimate charm in your space. + // Create a site specific vocabulary so personal info can be heavily I don't remember the name of them, but we are very happy with their look and feel. if (!hasPunctuation) { Hi Texan, saving that pretty mosaic and I will pick up a sample and see if it is as muted as it appears, which I like. We are meeting with the contractor in a few days and will give him a chance to fix things. With this rating, this tile can withstand moderate to heavy traffic. ); =a&&12>=b&&(a=[a,b],b=a[0],a=a[1]);return 31=d)? + // will return a strength indicator from 0 (weak) to 4 (strong). if you like the way they look natural, then use a sealer that won't alter the color. --- a/core/modules/user/user.js var hasPunctuation = /[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/.test(password); - + 'sameAsEmailUsernamePart' => t('Make it different from the username part of email your address'), 'addNumbers' => t('Add numbers'), @@ -87,87 +88,91 @@ We offer Free in-store returns in case you need to return extra material, Calculate Estimated Shipping + Handling Cost. We have had so much trouble trying to find a reputable contractor to help us get the work and remodeling finished that we want to accomplish and I was really hoping that we had finally found that person. // Underscore. + if (email.lastIndexOf('@') > 0) { I chose to match the color of the vanities, which were also chosen to stand out and add interest. +M=function(b){var a,d,c,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,p,s;e=[];s=q(b,/\d{4,8}/);k=0;for(m=s.length;k=c.length&&(d.push({daymonth:c.slice(2),year:c.slice(0,2),i:g,j:h}),d.push({daymonth:c.slice(0,a-2),year:c.slice(a-2),i:g,j:h}));6<=c.length&&(d.push({daymonth:c.slice(4),year:c.slice(0,4),i:g,j:h}),d.push({daymonth:c.slice(0,a-4),year:c.slice(a-4),i:g,j:h}));c=[];l=0;for(p=d.length;l=a&&12>=b&&(a=[a,b],b=a[0],a=a[1]);return 31=d)? I am still looking for the right porcelain hex. +d,c,e,f,g;f=q(b,O);g=[];c=0;for(e=f.length;c",","],"%":["4$",null,null,"6^","yY","pP"],"&":["6^",null,null,"8*", Through-body: The pattern or color is permeated throughout the entire body of the tile, thus reducing the visibility of dents and chips. - } else if (strength < 80) { It's all in the prep work. msg.push(translate.tooShort); Blog post: Why choose wood effect porcelain. THe shower is a pale gray (close to white) subway. 'addPunctuation' => t('Add punctuation'), array('system', 'jquery.once'), (window.zxcvbn=o,"function"===typeof window.zxcvbn_load_hook&&window.zxcvbn_load_hook()):"undefined"!==typeof exports&&null!==exports&&(exports.zxcvbn=o)})(); I will doing something in the niche. ha!). ), ",null,null]},keypad:F,mac_keypad:{"*":["/",null,null,null, Key Features 10x40" Wood Look Porcelain Natural, Matte Finish Ideal for Residential or Commercial Wall and Floors Made in Spain Slip Resistant (DCOF >0.42) About The Collection: Bring a natural ambiance into your space with the Lakewood Collection. + 'title' => 'Zxcvbn.js', Im not a shower or tile installer but I went on advice here. ""+(1+Math.ceil(b/2678400))+" months":321408E4>b? + var blacklist = [username, email, emailName, emailDomain]; My husband (who is NOT a professional) laid them and grout lines are not apparent at all. // Only show the description box if a weakness exists in the password. Id have been in possible trouble without input here. Use colored grout, not white, because white or pale grout will get discolored over time. rating of 4. $libraries['underscore'] = array( ); Farmhouse Chestnut 6x24 True Porcelain Co. Woodville Natural Wood Plank Porcelain Tile, MSI Redwood 6 x 36 Porcelain Wood Look Wall & Floor Tile | Wayfair, Why We Chose Wood Look Tile for Our Floors, Wood-look tile flooring reviews - pros and cons, brands and more, These Ultra Trendy Tiles Have Taken Homes by Storm, Limewash Oak Porcelain Wood Planks | Porcelain Tiles | Quorn Stone, Crate Porcelain Tile | Reclaimed Wood Tile Planks, Florida Tile Home Collection Sunset Wood Beige 6 in. This product can be installed on a shower wall. if (password !== '' && password.toLowerCase() === username.toLowerCase()) { I like the gray edging. Here's my bath (i've since removed the teak bench and have put up a floating vanity shelf in the same countertop material, with a vintage white mirror. // Only show the description box if a weakness exists in the password. ",null, + indicatorText = translate.strong; The recommended grout line thickness for best results in a tile installation. + // Check if password is related to the email address. ), Shipping charges may apply. +"=","/","9","6","5","4"],9:"8,=,/,*,-,+,6,5".split(","),"=":[null,null,null,null,"/","9","8","7"]}};o=function(b){var a,d,c,e,f;a=0;for(c in b)f=b[c],a+=function(){var a,b,c;c=[];a=0;for(b=f.length;af;d=0<=f?++e:--e)H[a[d].toLowerCase()]=d+1}d=R(b);d=ja(b,d);d.calc_time=I()-c;return d};"undefined"!==typeof window&&null!==window? Was a water test done? 448 sq. Not as a bunch of individual choices that dont ever really mesh into a whole. - indicatorText = translate.good; Or something else? I was worried you were saying the shower tile wasnt working because I like the minimalist look of the subway tile. + passwordDescription.toggle(result.strength < 3); I know there is white basket weave with cobalt blue accents and black accents. you do this because during grouting, you can get a lot of grout residue and haze that will get in the tiny pits of the pebble and it makes clean up much more difficult. + // Give the user some suggestions to make the password stronger. Texan, yes, I wasnt sure if you meant change the shower tile to make it an accent wall or the painted accent wall. - weaknesses++; width x 35-7/16 in. --- a/core/modules/system/system.module + if (result.match_sequence.length <= 1) { +++ b/core/modules/user/user.module Look frosty,,,what you've picked is very subtle. I can't speak to the appropriateness of the penny rounds on a shower floor. index 0000000..404944d + case 3 : array('system', 'jquery'), + switch (result.score) { Double-loaded: Porcelain tile that is produced with two layers of porcelain pressed together before its fired in the kiln. This item will be SHIPPED and should arrive in 714 days. This wood effect plank is a fail safe porcelain option for any project. +null,null],r:"cC,9(,0),lL,nN,tT".split(","),s:"nN,lL,/?,-_,zZ,vV".split(","),t:"hH,cC,rR,nN,wW,mM".split(","),u:"eE,pP,yY,iI,kK,jJ".split(","),v:["wW","nN","sS","zZ",null,null],w:["mM","tT","nN","vV",null,null],x:["kK","iI","dD","bB",null,null],y:"pP,5%,6^,fF,iI,uU".split(","),z:["vV","sS","-_",null,null,null],"{":["0)",null,null,"]}","/?","lL"],"|":["=+",null,null,null,null,null],"}":["[{",null,null,null,"=+","/?"],"~":[null,null,null,"1! As long as you don't pick too many tiles or anything that's too busy I think it looks great! var hasPunctuation = /[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/.test(password); - indicatorText = translate.weak; Please turn it on so that you can experience the full capabilities of this site. 'hasWeaknesses' => t('To make your password stronger:'), Wowza!!! ""+(1+Math.ceil(b/32140800))+" years":"centuries"};var E={"!":["`~",null,null,"2@","qQ",null],'"':[";:","[{","]}",null,null,"/? + msg.push(translate.sameAsEmailUsernamePart); https://www.houzz.com/projects/2444914/master-bath-redo. I did give him the final payment because I trusted him and his crew had just shown up with new caulk to redo the messy job that I had pointed out. thick Glazed matte finish with low sheen and moderate variation in tone Class 3 abrasion resistance - suitable for floor applications with medium to heavy foot traffic Impervious tile has water absorption of less than 0.5% D.C.O.F. ); + emailDomain = email.substring(email.lastIndexOf('@') + 1); + emailName = email.substring(0, email.lastIndexOf('@')); by the amazing options available right now! length x 5/16 in. Its B, I need you.Need help immediately! + switch (result.score) { One-inch penny rounds or mosaic squares will allow you plenty of grout for safety. But it should make sense and harmonize as a whole. +++ b/core/modules/user/user.js diff --git a/core/modules/system/system.module b/core/modules/system/system.module +null,"5%","rR","eE"],"%":["4$",null,null,"6^","tT","rR"],"&":["6^",null,null,"8*","uU","yY"],"'":[";:","[{","]}",null,null,"/?"],"(":["8*",null,null,"0)","oO","iI"],")":["9(",null,null,"-_","pP","oO"],"*":["7&",null,null,"9(","iI","uU"],"+":["-_",null,null,null,"]}","[{"],",":["mM","kK","lL",".>",null,null],"-":["0)",null,null,"=+","[{","pP"],".":[",",";:","'\"",null,null,null],"0":["9(",null,null,"-_","pP","oO"],1:["`~",null,null,"2@","qQ",null],2:["1! the key is, do they all coordinate. + 'basedOnADictionaryWord' => t('Do not base the password on a dictionary word'), - indicatorColor = '#47c965'; - case 4: A beautiful, wood look porcelain tile that has the beauty of the real thing with the durability of porcelain. https://www.flooranddecor.com/porcelain-tile/finland-white-wood-plank-porcelain-tile-100486349.html#q=finland+white&start=2. - case 3: I do not have pictures of the prep work. the same tile on the outside floor, the walls of the shower and the same tile in a 2" square on the shower floor. + emailDomain = email.substring(email.lastIndexOf('@') + 1); frosty, an accent wall is a wall painted a different color than the rest of the walls. + break; The shower is all white subway, w/the white petals, right? W x 24 in. + break; Sorry you zip code is not valid or we unable to ship items to your destination. Can you expand on the accent wall suggestion? This multi color matte Hasley Manor Matte Wood Plank Porcelain Mosaic is 10 x 12. + // Work out the password strength. OK, then you could do a silver/gray accent on that niche wall, or use gray grout for a subtle accent on white tiles. + msg.push(translate.addWords); + // Zxcvbn. I should have learned by now not to take people by their word. ""+(1+Math.ceil(b/86400))+" days":32140800>b? + case 0 : 14 Cool VHS Covers for Modern Movies and TV Shows, This Realistic Water Painting Took More Than 2 Years to Complete, How Insulated Glass Changed Architecture as We Know It, Betty Whites Hilariously Unscripted Great Herring War Improv on Golden Girls, Artist Gets Revenge on a Cheapskate Who Wasted Their Time, Sculptural Guns Made from Typewriters Because Words are Mightier, What Each Character Would Look Like in a Cartoon Version of The Office, Guy Turns Stainless Steel Bolt Into Amazing Miniature Hunting Knife, This Short Clip Shows Theres Beauty and Creativity Everywhere. ** total_quantity ** | ** unit_price ** / ** unit_measure **, COVERED EXTERIOR WALL NON-FREEZING CLIMATES, UNCOVERED EXTERIOR WALL FREEZING CLIMATES, UNCOVERED EXTERIOR WALL NON-FREEZING CLIMATES, COVERED EXTERIOR FLOOR NON-FREEZING CLIMATES, UNCOVERED EXTERIOR FLOOR FREEZING CLIMATES, UNCOVERED EXTERIOR FLOOR NON-FREEZING CLIMATES. ","0"],4:[null,null,"7","8","5","2","1",null],5:"4,7,8,9,6,3,2,1".split(","),6:["5","8","9","-","+",null,"3","2"],7:[null,null,null,"=","8","5","4",null],8:["7",null, Do you all think a mosaic in the niche will work with the pebbles as long as its all in the same colors? - case 1: + // Zxcvbn. More grout means less possibility of slipping because of soapy water or shampoo on the shower floor! Learn what features to expect for $3,000 to $100,000-plus, to help you plan your bathroom remodel, Thanks to their ability to add texture and subtle pattern, petite hexagonal and penny tiles may be here to stay, See this Maryland rooms transformation from dark and unused to bright and high-tech, It's gorgeous. +null,"5%","rR","eE"],"%":["4$",null,null,"6^","tT","rR"],"&":["6^",null,null,"8*","uU","yY"],"'":[";:","[{","]}",null,null,"/?"],"(":["8*",null,null,"0)","oO","iI"],")":["9(",null,null,"-_","pP","oO"],"*":["7&",null,null,"9(","iI","uU"],"+":["-_",null,null,null,"]}","[{"],",":["mM","kK","lL",".>",null,null],"-":["0)",null,null,"=+","[{","pP"],".":[",",";:","'\"",null,null,null],"0":["9(",null,null,"-_","pP","oO"],1:["`~",null,null,"2@","qQ",null],2:["1! 'good' => t('Good'), if you stay up on the sealing, and the cleaning (I'll give you a good product you can use if use it), it shouldn't damage, even w/the dye. where ever you see the accent, imagine your petals. no sheen. and to others I'm sure it's, " do you have issues w/tiles?" ",null,null]},keypad:F,mac_keypad:{"*":["/",null,null,null, frosty, wet those pebbles. "],"#":["2@",null,null,"4$","eE","wW"],$:["3#",null, so, as you can see, what you've picked will work out just fine. + // will return a strength indicator from 0 (weak) to 4 (strong). - +T:"hH,cC,rR,nN,wW,mM".split(","),U:"eE,pP,yY,iI,kK,jJ".split(","),V:["wW","nN","sS","zZ",null,null],W:["mM","tT","nN","vV",null,null],X:["kK","iI","dD","bB",null,null],Y:"pP,5%,6^,fF,iI,uU".split(","),Z:["vV","sS","-_",null,null,null],"[":["0)",null,null,"]}","/?","lL"],"\\":["=+",null,null,null,null,null],"]":["[{",null,null,null,"=+","/?"],"^":["5%",null,null,"7&","fF","yY"],_:["sS","/?","=+",null,null,"zZ"],"`":[null,null,null,"1! + indicatorText = translate.weak; @@ -53,11 +53,12 @@ Our house was built in 1850 and needs numerous updates and repairs and we are willing to pay for quality work. + if (password !== '' && password.toLowerCase() === emailName.toLowerCase()) { just read the label). ",null,null],a:[null,"'\"",",,pP,uU,jJ,qQ".split(","),f:"yY,6^,7&,gG,dD,iI".split(","),g:"fF,7&,8*,cC,hH,dD".split(","),h:"dD,gG,cC,tT,mM,bB".split(","),i:"uU,yY,fF,dD,xX,kK".split(","),j:["qQ","eE","uU","kK",null,null],k:["jJ","uU","iI","xX",null,null],l:"rR,0),[{,/?,sS,nN".split(","),m:["bB","hH","tT","wW",null,null],n:"tT,rR,lL,sS,vV,wW".split(","),o:"aA ,< .> eE qQ ;:".split(" "),p:".>,4$,5%,yY,uU,eE".split(","),q:[";:","oO","eE","jJ", - } else if (strength < 70) { We completely understand that you often get what you pay for. usernameBox.val() : translate.username; + } +c-1);for(e=k=1;1<=g?k<=g:k>=g;e=1<=g?++k:--k)f+=t(c-1,e-1)*h*Math.pow(d,e)}d=n(f);if(b.shifted_count){a=b.shifted_count;b=b.token.length-b.shifted_count;c=e=f=0;for(g=Math.min(a,b);0<=g?e<=g:e>=g;c=0<=g?++e:--e)f+=t(a+b,c);d+=n(f)}return d};da=function(b){b.base_entropy=n(b.rank);b.uppercase_entropy=ia(b);b.l33t_entropy=ha(b);return b.base_entropy+b.uppercase_entropy+b.l33t_entropy};$=/^[A-Z][^A-Z]+$/;Z=/^[^A-Z]+[A-Z]$/;Y=/^[^a-z]+$/;X=/^[^A-Z]+$/;ia=function(b){var a,d,c,e,f,g,h;f=b.token;if(f.match(X))return 0; + Choose from: Linen, Contemporary, Rectangular, Polished, Slate, Pattern, Stone Look & Wood Look. Does having bathroom tile along all of the walls in a small bathroom e. Still trying to figure out the shower floor. - Its suitable for all residential and medium-traffic commercial floors or wall applications. Houzz Pro: One simple solution for contractors and design pros. Personally, I like more tile though! Like this: https://www.flooranddecor.com/glass-decoratives/polar-star-glass-mosaic-100141480.html. index 15d232d5..edebd45 100644 +d,e,f;e=b.token.split("");f=[];a=0;for(d=e.length;a=k;e=0<=k?++i:--i)f+=t(d+a,e)}return n(f)||1};C=function(b){var a,d,c,e,f,g,h,i;f=[!1,!1,!1,!1,!1];c=f[0];g=f[1];d=f[2];e=f[3];f=f[4];i=b.split("");b=0;for(h=i.length;b=a?d=!0:65<=a&&90>=a?g=!0:97<=a&& + 'title' => 'Zxcvbn.js', 511 products come in an Impregnator and a Seal & Enhance, not a combined product. +e=[$,Z,Y];a=0;for(c=e.length;a=h;c=0<=h?++g:--g)e+=t(a+b,c);return n(e)};ha=function(b){var a,d,c,e,f,g,h,i,j,k;if(!b.l33t)return 0;f=0;j=b.sub;for(g in j){h=j[g];a=function(){var a, Grade 1, glazed porcelain tile for floor or wall use 6 in. if (!hasUppercase) { +"wW","qQ"],A:[null,"qQ","wW","sS","zZ",null],B:["vV","gG","hH","nN",null,null],C:["xX","dD","fF","vV",null,null],D:"sS,eE,rR,fF,cC,xX".split(","),E:"wW,3#,4$,rR,dD,sS".split(","),F:"dD,rR,tT,gG,vV,cC".split(","),G:"fF,tT,yY,hH,bB,vV".split(","),H:"gG,yY,uU,jJ,nN,bB".split(","),I:"uU,8*,9(,oO,kK,jJ".split(","),J:"hH,uU,iI,kK,mM,nN".split(","),K:"jJ iI oO lL ,< mM".split(" "),L:"kK oO pP ;: .> , , "+a);i.sub_display=B.join(", ");f.push(c)}}}return f},function(b){var a, [Pebbles[(https://www.houzz.com/products/12x12-sliced-interlocking-pebble-tile-gray-prvw-vr~117307465?m_refid=PLA_HZ_117307465&device=t&nw=g&gclid=Cj0KCQjwm6HaBRCbARIsAFDNK-j_hD8u-etEfYN52SJWBIem7BzMCOXlLz-Axwaf_MMg8lA3eSVSJiMaAnAcEALw_wcB). - weaknesses++; the pebble tile is nice too. Tile is a strong and reliable option for anywhere in the home. + // penalized. + break; - strength -= 25; + 'version' => '1.0', now they make the sheets (some of them) with wavy borders so that it fits more like a puzzle piece. @@ -1998,6 +1998,16 @@ function system_library_info() { 14.5 sq. I also think it's a style choice. - don't let it drip down the sides. @@ -53,11 +53,12 @@ 'weak' => t('Weak'), - passwordDescription.toggle(result.strength !== 100); Does painting ceramic (bathroom) tiles work? + if (password !== '' && password.toLowerCase() === emailName.toLowerCase()) { var username = (usernameBox.length > 0) ? Porcelain Wood Tile Grout Color. Lakewood Olive 10x40 Matte Wood Look Porcelain Tile About The Tile: Want the look of wood but not the upkeep? We have the pebble floor tiles with varying lighter and darker tones and we love them. "],"#":["2@",null,null,"4$","eE","wW"],$:["3#",null, + $libraries['zxcvbn'] = array( + // penalized. Pick what you like for the shower floor that goes w/the outside tile and it will be fine. + break; This would be Beths point on what would be needed or else you have to lay them out. ","0"],4:[null,null,"7","8","5","2","1",null],5:"4,7,8,9,6,3,2,1".split(","),6:["5","8","9","-","+",null,"3","2"],7:[null,null,null,"=","8","5","4",null],8:["7",null, All Rights Reserved, 23 - Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning (HVAC), 41 - Material Processing and Handling Equipment, 42 - Process Heating, Cooling, and Drying Equipment, 43 - Process Gas and Liquid Handling, Purification, and Storage Equipment, 44 - Pollution and Waste Control Equipment, 45 - Industry-Specific Manufacturing Equipment. + } We are busy professionals with six kids, we bought a historic home to save it from being chopped up into apartments. Lunga Timber is Italian porcelain that emulates long wood planks. Electrician is coming today to hang a new chandy. + case 1 : + else { var usernameBox = $('input.username'); that's exactly what I mean. Walk-in shower - subway tile w/light gray penny tile floor (med gray grout), Shower accent - floral tile with darker gray grout (shown against black board). - .css('width', result.strength + '%') this is what I use on my marble floors in the shower. Leelee, good point. Thanks, Texan. Not sure if Id bring in the pebbles or try to find a glass mosaic or something. ",null,null,"3#",",,pP,uU,jJ,qQ".split(","),F:"yY,6^,7&,gG,dD,iI".split(","),G:"fF,7&,8*,cC,hH,dD".split(","),H:"dD,gG,cC,tT,mM,bB".split(","),I:"uU,yY,fF,dD,xX,kK".split(","),J:["qQ","eE","uU","kK",null,null],K:["jJ","uU","iI","xX",null,null],L:"rR,0),[{,/?,sS,nN".split(","),M:["bB","hH","tT","wW",null,null],N:"tT,rR,lL,sS,vV,wW".split(","),O:"aA ,< .> eE qQ ;:".split(" "),P:".>,4$,5%,yY,uU,eE".split(","),Q:[";:","oO","eE","jJ",null,null],R:"cC,9(,0),lL,nN,tT".split(","),S:"nN,lL,/?,-_,zZ,vV".split(","), You have awesome ideas and taste. - strength -= 40; + $libraries['zxcvbn'] = array( } With wood-look tile, youll get the look of authentic wood in porcelain tile. + indicatorText = translate.weak; Flo second one is color paint for the kitchen, help. var hasUppercase = /[A-Z]+/.test(password); This product can be installed on a shower floor. if (!hasLowercase) { I like the pebbles. do you like how they look wet? - weaknesses++; } Perhaps a water test was conducted and my post is irrelevant. - var indicatorText, indicatorColor, weaknesses = 0, strength = 100, msg = []; var hasUppercase = /[A-Z]+/.test(password); High Variation Vinyl & Resilient Flooring, Mapei Ultraflex LFT Large Format Tile Mortar, Mapei Ultraplan 1 Plus Self Leveling Underlayment, Mapei Mapelastic CI Crack Isolation Membrane, P.E.I. rating measures Tile design durability from 1-5: The Dynamic Coefficient of Friction is a rating of the slip resistance of a floor. Just a note, Beth. + msg.push(translate.sameAsEmail); - } Yes, Blondelle, initially I was going to use with the gray penny, but now since Im doing pebbles, I dont feel the same about using the petals. browse through bathroom pics here on houzz. The bathroom was bright but white/grey with a little interest in the accent tile in the niches and the movement on the granite. } Since its about 60x36, it has a voice in the room. msg.push(translate.sameAsUsername); One of our local clients is replacing all of her downstairs floors this fall and requested a porcelain wood tile. @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ + indicatorText = translate.strong; The Hasley Manor Wood Plank Porcelain Tile will create a unique touch to any room or project with everything from the edges to the printed design. ), +122>=a?c=!0:127>=a?e=!0:f=!0;b=0;d&&(b+=10);g&&(b+=26);c&&(b+=26);e&&(b+=33);f&&(b+=100);return b};fa=function(b){return 60>b?"instant":3600>b? 'weak' => t('Weak'), Drupal.evaluatePasswordStrength = function (password, translate) { I don't mind the petals as an accent if done correctly. As Ive been looking around for her, Ive been floored (ha! + 'sameAsEmailUsernamePart' => t('Make it different from the username part of email your address'), Unless all you put in them is a single razor. - break; diff --git a/core/modules/user/user.js b/core/modules/user/user.js thick Matte finish in realistic multiple tones for an attractive beige-taupe wood look in a durable glazed porcelain tile P.E.I. + if (password !== '' && password.toLowerCase() === email.toLowerCase()) { $password_settings += array( ft. per case, 10 pieces per case; case weight equals 60.03 lbs. Wow Beth, so lucky you weighed in on my post for so many reasons. the petals and the subways are the same color. rating of 4. + if (password !== '' && password.toLowerCase() === emailDomain.toLowerCase()) { If you want a touch of dramatic, do black hex or white with black accents on back wall. } + } + indicatorColor = '#bbbb55'; The 8 x 48 Hasley Manor Wood Plank Porcelain Tile is brown with a matte finish. ":",< 3# 4$ pP eE oO".split(" "),"/":"lL,[{,]},=+,-_,sS".split(","),"0":["9(",null,null,"[{","lL","rR"],1:["`~",null,null,"2@","'\"",null],2:["1!",null,null,"3#",",",","],5:["4$",null,null,"6^","yY","pP"],6:["5%",null,null,"7&","fF","yY"],7:["6^",null,null,"8*","gG","fF"],8:["7&",null,null,"9(","cC","gG"],9:["8*",null,null,"0)","rR","cC"],":":[null,"aA","oO","qQ",null,null],";":[null,"aA","oO","qQ",null,null],",oO,aA".split(","),"=":["/?