As energy consumption falls, so too does your organisations energy bill. If you need evaporative cooling, Newport residents have been using a supplier who has the skills and knowledge to install a quality system for an affordable price. Where the level of moisture in the air is already high they are not able to make much difference to the temperature of the air. The temperature read by the thermometer is the theoretical minimum temperature that can be achieved through evaporative cooling. If you have an open window or door, the chemically cooled air will escape the room, forcing the AC unit to work harder to maintain your desired temperature. Become familiar with the benefits of evaporative cooling over traditional air conditioning. They dont actually cool the air temperature; instead, they simply push around the hot air. You may remember from school that water has relatively high surface tension from its hydrogen bonds, thus water needs to absorb a large amount of energy to go through a phase change. Unlike refrigerated systems, an evaporative system that is slightly larger will not affect the efficiency of its operation. For evaporative cooling in Werribee, you may find the system uses more water than in Newport. The principle behind evaporative cooling is simple. The best evaporative media help swamp coolers reach 95% of their theoretical effectiveness. To do this, units draw in warm air, forcing it through several damp membranes, absorbing heat and emitting cooler air in the process. You no longer need to have a hand controller, your phone can be your controller. Carefully use a small scraper or a suitably sized and shaped steel wire brush for this and ensure that you do not damage your water system. Air conditioning units count on being able to recirculate air and cool it stepwise. Although there is an app fee, we are able to offer free access for the next 6 months if you get in touch. The water flows from the reservoir to the cooling pads. Its estimated that the 1 billion+ conventional A/C units in use today produce roughly 2 billion tonnes of CO2 a year while also leaking harmful planet-warming gases into the atmosphere. This is a cost to the owner of the system and the water system should be monitored to ensure that is operating properly. Evaporative cooling is efficient and effective in all climate settings. Events, festivals and temporary structures, Evaporative cooling benefits: Your 10-minute guide, Your introduction to the application and advantages of evaporative cooling, How evaporative cooling can help in reducing energy consumption. In addition, they are treated to inhibit the growth of mold and algae. All Portacool evaporative coolers come with hose hookups to allow for continuous water flow. This could enable mould growth and swelling of wooden items. The heat and moisture that was extracted from the air as part of the chemical cooling process is then released outside through a ducting system. The additional cost for its purchase will often seem small with the increased comfort levels you can achieve. AC units use chemical coolants to remove heat and moisture from the air. The system relies on the flow of air through these pads so the cleaner they are the better the air flow. This means that you can always come home to a cool home. These features allow you to run your cooler all day without concern. It must be able to push through sufficient air to make your home comfortable and on hot days this becomes more difficult. The system will often be located on the roof and will use a fan that draws in fresh air from outside into a duct. It can impact on the efficiency of the system that supplies the water to your cooling pads. The actual effectiveness of portable swamp coolers also depends on the evaporative media and access to fresh air. Where did this name come from? This dries out the evaporative media. You can enjoy the benefits of a system that is able to cool the house while reducing the money you need to spend on electricity. Modern evaporative media like Kuul Comfort are cellulose pads like a special form of paper. These days, theres no reason why an evaporative cooler should fit the name swamp cooler. With modern materials and design, it takes only minimal maintenance to avoid odors and contamination of your evaporative cooler. Fixed evaporative coolers are larger units that cant be moved. An evaporative cooler must be a suitable size for the property. The media is very durable and does not lose effectiveness quickly so that you dont have to replace it very often. Powering an AC system can take as much as seven times as many watts of electricity as is required to run a swamp cooler. In order to melt or evaporate the water requires energy from the environment: this is the latent heat of vaporization. At 2% relative humidity, a swamp cooler can drop 125 F air to 83 F. However, at 80% humidity, a swamp cooler can only drop 75 F air to 72 F. These are, of course, theoretical potentials. While this is an outstanding benefit, we understand it can be difficult to realise the impact one or more of these units may have in your region. Check the care instructions from the evaporative media manufacturer. This process is able to reduce the temperature of the air, but the system also provides for the flow of fresh air through the property that also provides a cooling sensation. It has become more important to be able to keep your home cool on those very hot days. You can even use voice controls with these devices if you want. When possible, cleaning the inlet side of evaporative media is a good idea, as long as the media is designed to do this. It is important the damp air is not allowed to simply accumulate in rooms as the moisture in the air will potentially cause dampness to form on walls, ceilings, furniture, windows, doors, and door frames. In truth, they offer the same results because they are the same machine. The advantages do not stop there when compared with mechanical A/C, evaporative coolers offer a number of distinct benefits: Evaporative cooling units are considerably more energy-efficient than traditional air-conditioners because this technology uses the power of mother nature to cool the air and renew the atmosphere inside. This both prevents high humidity and sticky conditions from creating an uncomfortable environment for customers and staff, as well as health issues that can develop when air is too dry. However, sweating is never comfortable, and the cooling benefits from sweat are relatively minimal compared with lowering the temperature of the air in the room. If you have access to an outdoor air source, swamp coolers will often deliver the cool, comfortable environment you want at a fraction of the cost. The level of dust and minerals locally will impact on how long you can wait before having to install new pads. As the air passes through the pad, the heat energy is transferred from the air to the water and water vapour is released. Furthermore, because water vapour is the only byproduct of this technology, evaporative solutions are also truly eco-friendly. This size enables these units to provide enough air flow to cool significant spaces. To illustrate the real-world impact this technology can have on your indoor climate, evaporative coolers can cause a temperature drop of between 4C and 12C when outdoor temperatures are between 20C to 25C. Its the same effect that lets your body cool down by sweating. This 100% fresh air circulation rids the atmosphere of unhealthy particles, aiding worker concentration, employee safety and team productivity. There are many people who are very happy with their evaporative systems and you are able to find many positive reviews. This reservoir may empty itself once your machine switches off. As commercial swamp coolers rely on the outdoor temperature to work and exterior conditions are always in flux, these units can lack the precision of mechanical air-conditioning units. It is important to follow the instructions on using lubricants and not add too much. This needs to be kept clean so that you ensure it holds the correct amount of water and that the water is able to flow easily. A fan will then circulate this cooled air throughout the room(s) being cooled to achieve your desired ambient temperature. The potential for evaporative cooling depends on the difference in wet bulb and dry bulb temperatures of the air. The air must be able to flow effectively through the property. However, an evaporative cooling air conditioning system does not rely on toxic and potentially ozone-layer damaging refrigerant gases or a refrigeration system with a compressor that seems to love consuming electricity. However, this assumes 100% efficiency. Search Engine Marketing by Adaptify, How Did you find us?InternetAdvertisementWord of MouthReferencePhysicalOther. There are a number of important factors that impact on how this system is able to function. Energy in the form of heat is taken out of the air by being used to turn water from its liquid form into its gaseous form, water vapour. But with an app, you can communicate with the system and have it switch on your cooling system before you get there. Which one will provide the most effective cooling solution? Additionally, fans are noisy especially at scale and could serve as a major distraction for employees in the workplace. As evaporative coolers work by harnessing the natural power of water evaporation, this technology is simple in construction, limiting the chances that components can break down. The following steps will have your swamp cooler up and running in no time: The secret to getting the most out of your swamp cooler is knowing how to use it properly. Evaporative coolers are typically slightly less efficient than this (60-80% efficiency). In other systems, it will remain full. In comparison, evaporative coolers are incredibly quiet and have a direct effect on the temperature of the space. Evaporative coolers require air flowing in and then moving out of the property. Conventional A/C systems allow users to control the temperature in granular increments, ensuring the target temperature is achieved and maintained, so long as windows remain closed. On hotter days it will have to work harder and on cooler days the output can be reduced. By the numbers this shakes out to 1g of evaporated water reducing the temperature of 1kg of water by half a degree Celsius. Seasoned MBA executive specialised in stationary evaporative cooling solutions for industrial use and more. While air-con has traditionally been the go-to solution, evaporative coolers are an efficient, cost-effective alternative that organisations and businesses are beginning to seek out and adopt. This led to an evaporative cooler that looked and smelled like a swamp. To make matters worse, early evaporative coolers used evaporative media made of untreated wood wool and aspen wood fibers, also called excelsior. If they are not, then it may be an issue with the water system not being clean. document.getElementById( "ak_js" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Great Tips For Improving Efficiency Of Evaporative Coolers, Deciding Whether To Repair Or Replace Your Air Conditioner. If youre truly looking to cool the air to provide a more comfortable ambient temperature, there is no comparison. If you notice any problems, and if they are not simple to repair, then it is sensible to contact a technician to come and do the repair. Many evaporative media, such as aspen pads, degrade quite quickly. In general, air conditioning will be the better solution in situations where you dont have access to an outdoor air source. Hot, dry, outside air is drawn into the swamp cooler. Portable swamp coolers are easy to use. Everlasting Air has been providing quality services to resident across the whole Melbourne including the south-west region. As well as being able to deliver cooling to a 400m2 area, our portable Wind Force 10 can do so efficiently and quietly. Evaporative cooler is a term that describes how this type of air conditioning (loosely defined) works. Evaporative systems use water. This makes AC an excellent option to cool many homes. These are much better at absorbing water without breaking down into debris in your reservoir. Even with regular cleaning, over time they will become clogged. Fans use blades to circulate the air in the room. As an added benefit, these commercial coolers can help regulate moisture levels. Poorly designed evaporative media might achieve only half that effectiveness. Walking into a cool house after a long day can be one of those very special summer pleasures. Evaporative media design can dramatically impact the effectiveness of portable swamp coolers. The content on this website may not be copied or reproduced without the written permission of Dantherm Group A/S. Slashing your overheads doesnt just bolster your companys bottom line it also makes cooling large spaces, such as factory floors or supermarkets, economically viable when compared with more costly air-conditioning systems. Windows should be opened sufficiently so that air flows steadily out which maintains a suitable balance and ensures the system functions at peak efficiency. While both swamp and fan cooling harness the same natural process of evaporation, the outcome of each technology is different. Swamp coolers, on the other hand, operate using an open system that relies on outside air to activate the cooling process. The air is forced through the cooling pads. If you have to drive through heavy traffic on a hot day it can be annoying to then have to wait for your home to cool down when you finally get there. This simplicity also aids installation, making it much faster to install than conventional air-conditioning units. There will often be a pump that assists the water in flowing from the reservoir to the pads that are used to cool the air. Evaporative coolers maximize this effect. Evaporative cooling is most effective in climates where average relative humidity is less than 30%. Portacool uses Kuul Comfort evaporative media, which are highly engineered and utilize the best materials. If you are down near the mouth of the Yarra in Newport or further west out near Werribee, you would have noticed how summers have been getting hotter. The common assumption is that the name refers to what happened to old-style evaporative coolers if they werent properly cared for. Evaporative cooling is something that we have all experienced. For the installation of evaporative cooling, Werribee and the surrounding district is a suitable location where the system will be able to operate effectively. Humid air has a high relative humidity, and not as much capability to evaporate moisture. If so, youve probably come across references to both evaporative coolers and swamp coolers. For organisations that want to mitigate their impact on the environment, evaporative coolers typically use just 10% of the electricity that a mechanical A/C unit requires. Try to open the doors and windows on the cooler sides of your property and keep more of them shut on the hotter side. No matter if youre a shop, an office or a warehouse, its so important to keep your patrons and employees at a comfortable temperature to ensure they remain happy, safe and productive throughout the day. Dantherm Group A/S 2022. If you are unable to identify the issue, you may need to call in a technician to help you identify how to rectify this fault. If it does you will need to regularly drain and clean that reservoir. However, certain swamp coolers allow you to hook it up to a water supply, ensuring it will never run out of water. Find our range of evaporative coolers here. Keep the system clean and the water will flow as designed. They can then be used to manage the operations of your cooling system. The system functions more effectively with clean pads. air flow of 30,000m/h. Water contains minerals and that water will over time leave some of those minerals on your cooling system in the form of a layer that is known as a scale. They are not able to reduce the temperature as rapidly as a refrigerant based system. psychometric charts are a useful tool for predicting a particular wet-bulb temperature given the outside ambient conditions: pressure, temperature, and humidity. Well-designed to supply fresh air with only minimal maintenance, you will never have to describe them as swamp coolers.. This has been a barrier to organisations in Europe reaping the advantages offered by evaporative cooling. While this does provide effective cooling, it does not renew indoor air quality, allowing pollutants, odours and virus particles to build up. One of the benefits of swamp coolers is that they are extremely energy efficient. There are a lot of systems that have been designed to cool the whole of the house. As with many slang terms, nobody knows for sure. As we have discussed above, evaporative coolers rely on outdoor humidity and temperature to function effectively and economically. Because swamp coolers can drop the air temperature by as much as 30 F, they can significantly reduce the ambient temperature in the room. Check all parts of the water system. As a result, your energy bill will be significantly higher. Axial fan and a max. Even the best evaporative media will lose effectiveness over time as they become clogged with debris. Controlling up to 10 units at a time this advanced system transfers humidity and ambient temperature data to a local management site. As a result, it costs significantly less money to run your swamp cooler all day than it would to run air conditioning all day. In most Portacool models, you can start by shutting off the water pump while running the fan. When it comes to choosing an appropriate unit, there are 2 options. This will help keep your energy bills down during the peak heat of summer. In addition, Kuul evaporative media is specifically designed to be used with Portacool evaporative coolers, ensuring the best possible results. Swamp coolers work by evaporating water into the air. If you have direct hot sunlight shining on windows, then it is advisable to use blackout curtains or blinds to reduce the impact. The most important is that they are most effective in environments where the humidity is low. If evaporative cooler is a technical description of how the devices work, swamp cooler is an evocative one and what it evokes isnt always pleasant. Check out all the innovative winners of the 2017 FoodBytes competition! The overall efficiency of the system will be improved by installing a thermostat and system management device that will ensure that your system is only working as hard as it needs to. While evaporative cooling offers a series of distinct advantages over traditional air-con units, how does this technology stack up against electric fans or ceiling fans? Suppose youre trying to cool an auto garage, airplane hangar, or a large industrial space such as a warehouse or factory, swamp coolers will typically be a more effective solution for several reasons: In addition, if youre trying to cool an outdoor space such as a backyard, sports field, outdoor work environment, or a restaurant patio, outdoor swamp coolers will be the more practical option since this open-air source makes air conditioning impractical. Above and beyond pyschometric charts (which only have 3 variables), anything that increases the rate of evaporation of a system will make evaporative cooling more effective. Clean out the scale from your system regularly to ensure it can operate effectively. Swamp coolers are by far the more effective option. Without the ability to keep a door or window open, swamp coolers arent a viable cooling option. Many people are looking for a cooling solution that will provide an economic system that is reliable and environmentally safe. When a fan pushes or pulls air through the evaporative media, a lot of this water evaporates, cooling the air. You can boost workplace safety and employee satisfaction by venting noxious fumes and cooling the space. Swamp coolers can be very effective, but their effectiveness depends on the local climate and the efficiency of the swamp cooler pads (a common slang term for evaporative media). Fans cool people, evaporative units cool the air. Visit a local or online retailer for Portacool evaporative coolers to learn which style might be most effective for your application. This loss of water will be higher on hotter and dryer days. If your organisation wants an effective, efficient and low-cost cooling solution, Biocool is a leading name in the world of climate control. This will not only allow you to maintain a more comfortable body temperature, but it will help you avoid sweating profusely on a hot day. Because a fans effectiveness entirely depends on physical contact, environments where people wear head-to-toe PPE would not feel the effects of fan cooling technology. This means that there is not only the system but also the associated ducting and vents that allow the air to flow throughout the property. In comparison, evaporative commercial coolers are very environmentally friendly, generating water vapour as the only byproduct of its process. Vehicle dealerships will often have a showroom and conjoined workshop under the same roof. If you would like to visualise the potential of our evaporative coolers, download our app on iOS and Android devices today. To regulate air quality, humidity and temperature, evaporative coolers are an efficient multi-purpose solution. 2021, Everlasting Air Heating Cooling. When that energy comes from the air, the air cools down. A fixed evaporative cooler, on the other hand, removes stale air and replaces it with fresh air from outdoors. So they were called swamp coolers. To demonstrate the real-world capabilities of our evaporative cooling technology, our Biocool App, available in English, Spanish and French, can simulate the potential cooling ability, as well as the energy savings you could be making, in your city and country. There is a misconception among many that evaporative coolers are only viable in hot, dry climates, such as the west coast of America, Saudi Arabia and Australia, and that their efficiency declines in more humid climates. Water is pumped from a reservoir located in the system that is used to keep the cooling pads wet. There are some refrigerant based reverse cycle air conditioning systems that are power efficient but the majority of refrigerant based systems available are very energy hungry. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Swamp coolers and air conditioning units utilize entirely different processes to cool the air, and as a result, the right solution for you will depend on your specific application. Plus, as these units are just as effective when doors and windows are open, this is beneficial in retail centres where footfall is high and doors are opening and shutting frequently. Ideal for open and semi-open spaces of up to 400m. At lower temperatures and higher humidity, you will see less of a temperature drop. Evaporative coolers reduce energy consumption by up to 90% are they better than air-conditioners? Traditional air-con works by capturing hot air in the room and cooling it using a chemical refrigerant. If you want to learn more about our products, and how they can enhance conditions indoors, feel free to get in touch or complete the form below. At critical temperature points in the diagram (0 degrees Celsius and 100 degrees Celsius) water needs to draw in heat energy from the environment to change phase.